What makes a favorite band a ‘favorite’?

Everyone has a favorite artist, but what makes that artist a favorite? Bands have their music, their personality, the way they treat fans, how they handle interviews, if they use twitter/update their blogs ETC. There are many reasons to love a band, or to even become an obsessive fan (like myself), but let’s break down the basics.

A band has a responsibility to its fans: to keep them updated on their progress, keep churning out music that makes themselves happy and their fans, and to look good or be silly. If a band creates awesome music, that’s fantastic…but if they create awesome music AND treat the fans well/have alluring personalities they’ll attract more fans. Take for example Darren Hayes, formerly of Savage Garden, now solo artist talks to his fanclub members via chat every sunday night; Fueled By Ramen artists have twitters to keep the fans updated. It’s great when a band can keep in close contacts with the fans, makes them seem grateful to know that their fans are so supportive of their music.

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always had obsessions with artists or bands because of their music AND their personalities. Like meeting a your favorite band member of your favorite band at a show, you already know so much about them that your meeting is like the greatest gift you can receive. If your life revolves around your love for The Beatles meeting Paul McCartney would be one of the highlights of your very existence!

Music not only offers support for times in need, it also gives you a completely different world to distract yourself with – to get away. It’s also a gateway for meeting new people – say I like the Jonas Brothers…well over a million screaming girls can relate to me, I could meet new people through their music. If music didn’t exist, would civilization be as successful, as modern? Music will always serve as a haven for everyone and that’s why it’s important for bands to realize that their fans are their safety net and by reaching out for them they’re furthering the human to human interaction, enhancing today’s culture!

A favorite band is a Favorite because of the attachment you get to them, because even though you may not know them personally they give you an emotionally security blanket to help you get through most or any situation. And everyone knows there’s nothing better than listening to your favorite band!

December 14, 2009. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . bandom, decaydance, fueled by ramen, internet, Music, trends. Leave a comment.